S.S. Mahan Rishi Singh Khalsa D.C.

Lead Trainer

Mahan Rishi Singh co-founded the Khalsa Healing Arts and Yoga Center in Yardley, PA. USA in 1989.  He began studying yoga and meditation in 1973-4 and entered the Guru Ram Das Ashram in 1975 as a student and teacher of Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.  Having taught nationally and internationally, along with traveling numerous times to India, he seeks to bring the ancient wisdom and authentic devotional practices of yoga and meditation into everyday life.  He has been leading retreats and yatras (spiritual pilgrimages) to India, Nepal and Tibet over the past 25 years.  His experiences of the kundalini and subtle-energy currents of the etheric body have led him to guide his students toward Self-realization and illumination through Universal love and understanding.  His vision is for each student to have an experience of vital energy, great joy, and liberating peace. 

Mahan Rishi is also a doctor of Chiropractic and Herbal nutritionist.  He graduated from New York Chiropractic College in 1988.  Through natural healing practices and holistic health care he guides his client toward optimum health and well-being.  Dr. Khalsa seeks to awaken the vital spirit and heart of each individual on their journey of wholeness and liberation.

He graduated from the International School of Polarity Therapy in 1978 as a certified practitioner of Polarity Therapy………utilizing various techniques of energy balancing

through bio-energetic synchronization, meridian balancing via pulse diagnosis using both Chinese and Auryvedic traditions, and auric balancing through breathwork and yogic practices he helps to enhance the vital life force of your body, mind and spirit…..

Also trained in Reiki, Yogic subtle body, crystal and aromatherapy healing practives he releases deep emotional and vibrational blocks, unleashing your profoundpotential and vital energy……..

Dr. Khalsa has studied with healing masters from around the world for over 30 years, including some of the oldest known yogi’s and dharma teachers,:Swami Bua who still lives today at 119 in New York, and the world renowned Green Monk Bhante Dharmawara Mahatera who lived to 110.  Dr. Khalsa’s knowledge of herbology and nutrition is valuable for anti-aging as well as rejuvenation. 

His experience over the past 20 years of tongue diagnosis and iridology give him deep insight into one’s internal bio-chemistry………By integrating herbology, and various orthomolecular therapies (vitamins and minerals) he is able to guide you toward optimum health…………..As a healthy vegetarian for over 30 years he is able to guide you toward creating healthy dietary habits which enhance your overall state of well-being…….

After thirty years of dedication Mahan Rishi was given the minister’s title of Singh Sahib by Yoga Bhajan ….to serve as a spiritual minister of Sikh Dharma officiating weddings and other sacred ceremonies.

Sessions with Mahan Rishi are gentle yet powerful, energizing and calming, creating a deep sense of peace and vitality………..

S.S. Nirbhe Kaur Khalsa

Lead Trainer

S.S. Nirbhe Kaur Khalsa began practicing and studying Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan in l972 in Michigan.  Upon finding something that truly spoke to her soul she soon moved into an ashram in New Jersey where she married and helped direct the ashram there.  Studying under the direct guidance of Yogi Bhajan with every opportunity possible she knew her life had found its path and focus to serve others on their path to self-awareness.  Summer and Winter Solstices,  Spring and Fall Tantric Courses,  Women’s Camp and numerous meditation evenings with Yogi Bhajan each year have been an amazing foundation to enrich and strengthen her life, caliber, depth and persona,  for which she is in absolute gratitude. In 1974 she became a minister of Sikh Dharma and finds performing marriages to be among her favorite things to do.

In 1989 Nirbhe Kaur co-founded The Khalsa Healing Arts and Yoga Center in Yardley, Pa., U.S.A.  Nirbhe Kaur offered massage therapy to complement her husbands Chiropractic practice and together they began teaching both Level I and Level II Aquarian Teacher’s Training to students in their center as well as in other parts of the country.  Another special interest for her is the teaching of both yoga and mediation retreats, hosting spiritual yatras to Jamaica, India, Nepal, and Tibet, and offering Vegan cooking classes.

Nirbhe Kaur is a soft spoken woman with a gentle and warm heart who feels her greatest joy is in teaching, sharing and inspiring others to find their wholeness, radiance and bliss.

Keval Kaur Khalsa

Keval Kaur Khalsa is a Kundalini Yoga Lead Teacher Trainer, North Carolina Regional Coordinator for Y.O.G.A. for Youth, and a Professor of the Practice of Dance & Theater Studies at Duke University.  Keval Kaur is the co-founder of the Y.O.G.A. for Youth Satellite in North Carolina.  For nine years, Y.O.G.A. for Youth NC has hosted an annual Y.O.G.A. for Youth Teacher Training, and currently runs programming in three counties.  She loves connecting with young people from all walks of life through her teaching with both Y.O.G.A. for Youth and at Duke University.  Keval Kaur has been teaching Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for the past 15 years in locations as far-ranging as Michigan, North Carolina, Brazil, and Togo. She has trained Kundalini Yoga teachers in North Carolina, Tennessee, California, Michigan, and Accra (Ghana). At Duke University, she directed the Dance Program for seven years, teaches courses in dance, Kundalini Yoga & Sikh Dharma, and activist theater, and is currently conducting a multi-year yoga research study supported by Duke’s Bass Connections Initiative.  

Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa

 Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa has dedicated his life to the practice and teaching of Naad Yoga: The Yoga of Sound, and Gatka - the martial art of the Sikhs. A skillful guitar, mandolin, rabab, harmonium and cittern player, he is a pioneer of the yoga music genre, having recorded more than 28 CDs and cassette tapes since the late 1970’s. 

​Mata Mandir was born in 1952 in Bangor, Maine. From an early age he was drawn to the world of music, beginning with classical piano lessons at 8 years old. Around age 11, Mata Mandir was exposed to The Beatles and other influential bands of the time, which inspired him to take up the guitar. In a self-taught approach, he studied chord charts, records, and learned tips from friend guitarists to improve his skill.

​In his adolescent years, Mata Mandir played piano and percussion in the high school orchestra, while starting up a few garage bands on the side. His early musical influences include The Beatles, Donovan, James Taylor, Motown Sound, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Buffalo Springfield, the Steve Miller Blues Band, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, and more.​

An early yogi at heart, Mata Mandir left high school in his junior year and journeyed out into the world – in his words, “went on the road as a hippie”– eventually returning to his home state of Maine where he lived in the woods and took up Zen meditation and Hatha Yoga. 

In 1971, Mata Mandir discovered Kundalini Yoga in an intensive 3-day course. This event marked an important turning point in his life. Intrigued and inspired by the science of Kundalini Yoga (especially the focus on chanting and mantra), Mata Mandir traveled to Washington D.C. several months later to join the Kundalini Yoga Ashram and work in the first Golden Temple Restaurant.

​Mata Mandir passed his time at the Ashram as a dedicated student of Kundalini Yoga, a musician and a cook, learning invaluable teachings from Yogi Bhajan and deepening his spiritual path. Mata Mandir began to compose music to the Guru Ram Das chants – his first composed chants – and shortly after he wrote songs for many other mantras.

​Inspired by Yogi Bhajan’s life-changing teachings, Mata Mandir embarked on a journey of helping others come into tune with the rhythm of the universe. “Everything has a frequency and vibration, everything has its own song,” he says. “When you tune in to sounds of the world, like the sound of your breath or your heartbeat, for example, the world becomes different. You create a new intelligence in your life and you begin to see rhythm where before you only saw chaos.”

​In the late 70’s Mata Mandir began to travel to India to initiate studies in Indian classical music and the Sikh martial art of Gatka. He recorded his first two cassette tapes, Longing for the Lord and God Loves Us When We Sing.

​In 1984, Yogi Bhajan sent Mata Mandir back to India to continue his studies. He left India just days before Operation Blue Star at Golden Temple (an assault on the Golden Temple of Amritsar) to go to the Kundalini Yoga Ashram in Amsterdam, Holland and help in the Golden Temple Restaurant in Amsterdam. During this time he started teaching Gatka in Europe, mainly in Italy, and attended the first Kundalini Yoga Festival in France, and every year thereafter..

​Mata Mandir bought the Amsterdam Golden Temple Restaurant in 1986, lived above it, and ran it for twenty-two years. During this period he recorded all Yoga of Sound series and many other titles, as well as traveled throughout Europe teaching Naad Yoga seminars and playing Kirtan concerts, before Kirtan concerts were well-known.

​In 2007 he sold the restaurant and moved back to the U.S. to Española, New Mexico, the former home-base to Yogi Bhajan. While living there he helped start a Food Co-op and Community Farm Project and ran a vegetarian café with family members. He also continued to teach and play music in the U.S., China, Canada and Mexico.

​Grateful for the opportunity to create music that vibrates in harmony with universal consciousness, Mata Mandir humbly shares the music and teachings from his own journey and from his years of experience as a longtime disciple of Yogi Bhajan. Mata Mandir repeats the invaluable advice from his teacher: “Yogiji told me a long time ago that if you play any instrument in a rhythmic pattern, that will put you into harmony with the whole universe.” 

Mohinder Singh

Mohinder Singh is a gifted healer and wonderful teacher, he has began practicing Kundalini Yoga and Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan since 2002 in Michigan…and studied directly with some of the greatest teachers in the country.   In 2002 Mohinder founded Healing Through Awareness and A2 Kundalini Yoga in Ann Arbor.  He leads Kundalini yoga, mediation, gong workshops, trainings and courses nationally and has been practicing Kundalini yoga for over 15 years.  He has studied with Gurudev Singh and practices Sat Nam Rasayan, a healing through consciousness practice.  He also has a private practice in massage therapy in Ann Arbor.

Mohinder is an Associate Trainer in the Aquarian Academy from KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) and holds recognition with IKYTA (International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Association)