Earth 150 grams powder
Earth 150 grams powder
Earth™ - Sacred Healing Food™ with Essiac herbs, flax, chia, slippery elm: soothes colon, supports blood sugar, colon...
Perfect Grounding Complement to Green Foods
““GLUTEN FREE AGAIN. We actually test. Truth matters to us. You matter to us.” ”
Foundational, therapeutic, hard-core, primal, whole food herbal superfood complex for deep nourishment and balance.
There is no other superfood like it. Vitamineral Earth™ ("Earth™") is an incredibly powerful, deeply grounding, nourishing, healing, and regenerative superfood. Earth™ nutritionally supports blood sugar, colon, detoxification, the immune system, and longevity. Earth™ contains the Essiac herbs. Green foods are critically important and so too are Earth™ botanicals. Earth™ can be used on its own and is also the perfect counterbalance to any green superfood (like Vitamineral Green™). The roots, barks, spices, and other healing botanicals in Earth™ will nourish you at a deep level. Earth™ can be taken raw as a sun tea or sprinkled on food. It can also be used in a smoothie, but it has a unique, savory flavor that lends itself better to soups and broths.
Earth™ and Vitamineral Green™ is the most potent nutritional combination you can consume.
Dr. Sheridan formulated Earth™ to be made into a Healing Earth Broth™, a Healing Earth Soup™, or a Healing Earth Tea™. Virtually all native tribes made teas and broths out of certain healing herbs with hot water, as their intuition and experience told them this was best. Unlike green superfoods that should be taken raw for maximum benefit, the botanicals in Earth™ actually become significantly more potent when wet heat is applied. The healing phytonutrients are the reason these Earth™ botanicals are so powerful, not the enzymes in this case. Whereas animal products (raw or cooked) and even highly processed vegetarian foods cause immune suppression and leukocytes (pathological white blood cell raising), the Earth™ botanicals dramatically enhance the immune system and produce NO leukocytosis. Earth™ can be taken raw, but is even better when released with fire. Experience for yourself the deeply healing, visceral power of Earth™.
For the ultimate HealthForce healing experience, we recommend combining Vitamineral Green™ with Earth™. Earth™ is the ultimate grounding superfood. It has a unique array of deeply nutritive and phyto-nutritive healing roots, barks, herbs, and seeds. Green foods provide an all-around neutral energy (but yin by comparison) and the Earth™ botanicals provide a more yang energy. In combination, we have a unique balance of superfoods where one plus one equals far more than two. Vitamineral Green™ combined with Earth™ provides an unparalleled nutritional synergy that allows you to take charge of your health and feel amazing! No smoke, no mirrors, just hard-core, complete nutrition.
The combination of these superfood blends provide all the nutrients your require for sustained cellular energy and phenomenal health, including nutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, chlorophyll, essential fatty acids, probiotics, and enzymes) often missing from diets. This full spectrum of essential nutrients allow our bodies to recover health and stay healthy for life, and these are naturally occurring nutrients in Actual Food™ form.
The combination of Vitamineral Green™ and Earth™ is so complete that (other than calories) you could nutritionally live off of them!♦
♦ Not a meal replacement; does not provide sufficient calories.
Vitamineral Green™ is the result of Dr. Sheridan's 20-year quest to create the world's greatest therapeutic green superfood blend. Satisfaction guaranteed. For best results, use Vitamineral Green™ and Earth™ daily alongside a healthy lifestyle of fresh air, fresh and high-water-content whole foods, and exercise.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Serving Size: 10 grams (approximately 1.5 level tablespoons)
Earth Below™
• Astragalus Root◊∞ • Burdock Root∞ • Nettle Root°∞ • Marshmallow Root◊∞ • Carrot Root◊ • Yacon Root◊∞ • Ginger Root◊∞ • Dandelion Root°∞ • Rhubarb Root∞
Earth Seeds™
• Flax Seeds◊∞ • Chia Seeds◊∞ • Milk Thistle Seeds°∞
Earth Broth™
• Red Miso◊∞ (Organic Whole Soy Beans, Organic Handmade Koji Rice, Sun Dried Sea Salt, Mountain Well Water, Koji Spores) • Chili Powder◊∞ • Paprika◊∞ • Sage◊∞
Earth Above™
• Red Clover°∞ • Slippery Elm Bark°∞ • Watercress°∞ • White Oak Bark°∞ • Cinnamon◊∞ • Kelp◊∞ • Blessed Thistle∞° • Sheep Sorrel◊∞
Acid stable and incredibly magnified/fed by the Earth™ formula.
• Lactobacillus plantarum∞ • L. paracasei∞ • L. rhamnosus∞ • L. salivarius∞ • Streptococcus thermophilus∞ • L. bulgaricus∞
• Shilajit°∞
100% TruGanic™: TruGanic™ is HealthForce’s own purist, hard-core, quality standard for sourcing and production. Ingredients must pass actual tests to verify non-GMO status and ensure they are 100% free of pesticides and irradiation.
EcoFresh Nutrient Lock™. Our dark glass with unique metal lid and oxygen absorber protects 100% of nutrients (creates a vacuum). Glass is recycled/recyclable, does not outgas (see Note below), and is non-toxic to melt down. Plastic bottles and metal/foil pouches (worst and not recyclable) dramatically degrade nutrient levels. Plastic outgasses and is highly toxic to melt down.
Note: All plastic containers (more so in soft plastic) release gases during the aging and degradation of a material. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from plastic negatively affect our health.
Vitamineral Earth Info Pages
Suggested Use: Start with 1 teaspoon per day and increase gradually over two weeks to suggested use of 1 serving per day. Use Earth™ on its own or take with or in the same day as Vitamineral Green™ for a balance of yin/yang. Vitamineral Green™ and Earth™ are so powerful combined that you could virtually live on them alone! Smoothies/Foods: Will thicken and nutrify. Broth or Tea: Add to hot water or make a tea (virtually all natives made teas of healing herbs with hot water). Tea/broth produces a totally different flavor (with more phytonutrients).
• Smoothies: Will thicken and nutrify.
• Broth or Tea: Add to warm water or make a tea (virtually all natives made teas of healing herbs with hot water). Hot water tea produces a totally different flavor (with more phytonutrients). Drink all at once or throughout the day.
• Savory Dishes: Add to foods such as soups, salads, dressings, and casseroles.
Earth™ is food, NOT a supplement!
Earth™ Sacred Healing Food™ Recipes
Add 2 tablespoons to 16 ounces of water and bring to a boil.
Add 2-4 tablespoon to 16 ounces of water. Add a pinch of unrefined salt (Celtic, real, or Himalayan), or 1 teaspoon of organic miso, or 1 teaspoon of organic gluten-free tamari. Bring to a boil then switch off the stove and allow to sit for a few minutes. Pour into a cup and enjoy the warming, healing, balancing effects of Earth™.
Vitamineral Earth™ Smoothie
• 12 ounces water or nut/seed milk
• 1-2 small frozen/fresh bananas
• 1-2 heaping tablespoons Earth™
Optional: Pinch of unrefined sea salt (Celtic or Himalayan), cinnamon, or ginger
Blend and serve.
Vitamineral Earth™ Honey Drink
• 16 ounces filtered water or nut/seed milk
• 1 heaping tablespoon Earth™
• 1 tablespoon raw, ethical, organic, whole honey
Blend and serve.
Nut/Seed Milk: Start with raw organic almonds, hazelnuts, sesame, or hemp seeds (or any other nuts/seeds of choice). Soak nuts/seeds in water overnight for 8-12 hours. Blend 1 cup soaked nuts/seeds with 4 cups water in high-powered blender for 1-2 minutes. Strain pulp through a mesh cloth, squeezing out all the "milk." Will stay fresh in refrigerator for 3-4 days, to use regularly for superfood concoctions.
Optional: Additional HealthForce products (add to taste): MacaForce™, Warrior Food™ Chocolate, Vanilla, or Natural, Elixir of the Lake™, Greener Grasses™ Alkalizer, Spirulina Manna™, Spirulina Azteca™, Chlorella Manna™, Truly Natural™ Vitamin C, and Friendly Force™